Mertzlufft F, Brettner F, Crystal GJ, Hollmann MW, Kasatkin A, Lönnquist PA, Singer D, Sümpelmann R, Wenzel V, Zander R, Ziegenfuß T
Intravenous fluids: issues warranting concern
Eur J Anasthesiol 2022; 39: 388 - 394 - 396
Mertzlufft F et al.
Letter to the Editor (not accepted for publication)
Intravenous Fluids: Issues Warranting Concern
Anesth Analg Open Mind 2021
Mertzlufft F et al.
Letter to the Editor (not accepted for publication)
Intravenous Fluids: It's time for Action!
J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2021
Mertzlufft F et al.
Letter to the Editor (not accepted for publication)
Intravenous Fluids: What we should do!
Anesthesiology 2020
Sümpelmann R, Zander R
Letter to the Editor (not accepted for publication)
Appraisal for a better understanding of the potential base excess of infusion solutions containing metabolizable anions
Anesth Analg 2019
Sümpelmann R, Zander R
Letter to the Editor (not accepted for publication)
Appraisal for a better understanding of osmolarity and osmolality of intravenous fluids
J Nephrol 2019
Zander R, Zacharowski K
Letter to the Editor (not accepted for publication) in response to Morris C et al., "Should we really be more 'balanced' in our fluid prescribing?"
Anaesthesia 2009, 64: 703-705
Sümpelmann R, Hollnberger H, Schmidt J, Strauss J, Zander R
Correspondence: Inappropriate perioperative fluid management in children: time for an isotonic solution?!
Paediatr Anaesth 2008; 18: 191