Beendigung der Causa K. Meßmer

Die Kritik an den beiden Arbeiten,

  • Sunder-Plassmann L, Klövekorn WP, Holper K, Hase U, Messmer K:
    The physiological significance of acutely induced hemodilution;
    in Ditzel J, Lewis DH (eds): 6th European Congress of Microcirculation,
    Aalborg 1970. Basel, Karger, 1971, pp 23-28
  • Messmer K, Sunder-Plassmann L, Klövekorn WP, Holper K:
    Circulatory significance of hemodilution: Rheological changes and limitations.
    Adv Microcirc 1972; 4: 1-77

nachzulesen unter Causa Konrad Meßmer, wird vom Karger Verlag wie folgt beendet:

The books are not available online and can only be accessed by ordering a physical copy.
Therefore, we have concluded that, for the readers’ information, we will send future orders of  these books along with a copy of the article published by R. Zander in Infusionsther Transfusionsmed in 1999 (26 (4): 186-190. DOI:

Grainne McNamara, Research Integrity and Publication Ethics at Karger Publishers (26.06.2023)